We’ll source any pneumatic
component you need,
even if it isn’t in our catalog!

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Metric Specialty Tubing

We have the metric specialty tubing to address any pneumatic application. We offer:
  • Metric Spatter Guard SRT Tubing
  • Metric FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene) Tubing
  • Metric Kynar Tubing
  • Metric Static Dissipative Tubing

Metric Push Fittings

Designed for easy installation and straightforward use, push-to-connect fittings—also known as push-in fittings or push fittings—are versatile components applicable to most pneumatic systems. Push-to-connect fittings are well-suited to sections requiring frequent disconnection and reconnection. They feature ends constructed to accept tubing when the fitting is pushed into the tube.
Polyconn has the push-to-connect fittings you need for your metric system.

See our metric products catalog for exact specifications and configurations available for the metric tubing and the push fittings you need.